DHL India | Contact Center | DHL Express
Contact: DHL Express
DHL Express welcomes your general inquiries, comments and suggestions.
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Should you wish to contact specific hotline numbers, kindly select the type of inquiry below to view the hotline information.
General Shipping
Customer Service Hotline for: Pickup or Delivery Request, Check Shipment Status or Proof of Delivery
HoursPhone 1800 111 345/ 1 800 200 1345 (Toll free)
+91- 22-66789001 (overseas)
DHL Express India - Head Office
HoursPhoneMon-Fri 09:30-18:00
Sat-Sun Closed
Holidays Closed1 800 111 345/ 1 800 200 1345 (Toll free)
+91 (22) 6678 9000